Our Coffee

Our Coffee
& Art

Our Coffee

Altitud 1960

Coffee & Art

Thorugh the combination of nature's best resources, the coffee grower's talent, and his hands, Altitud 1960 is an expression of art that results in coffee beans that are filled with fragances, falvors, and aromas that will transport you to the Colombian mountains. This sensory experience is made posiible by the skill of a very professional coffee roaster who roasts each bag and transforms this coffee in a delightful experience from the farm to your cup.

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The artwork for the package follows a talented 26-year-old Colombian artist from Barranquilla, is a perfect illustration of contemporary infinity art. His artworks and sculptures, as well as other works of art, show the unbreakable tie that binds everyone in the world. Therefore, as his paintings illustrates, we are all connected, regardless of where we are.

firma ribon

Andres Ribon

Our Farms

Our Farms

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